Thursday, April 14, 2005

Post - retreat letter to the cell

Dear all,

After coming down from the mountaintop and experiencing God's hand in such a powerful way, how have we been doing? Its only been 4 days, but it has seemed like weeks ago since we were in Castleton, enjoying the Lord's presence on that Saturday night, when He spoke so clearly to us, and manifested His glory amongst us. But we already knew that we can never live on the mountaintop continuously... The question to ask is, have we seen our reflections in the mirror of His Word, and turned away, forgetting what we look like? Has His Spirit truly revived us and transformed us?

The test of true revival is in changed lives. He has spoken to our Spirits, caught us up and showed us on the mountain of transfiguration that His paths are more glorious than ours... Listen to Him. Its so easy now to get caught up in the daily routine, the ways of the world, the exams that are coming up. Lord forgive me that my vision has shrunk to this bubble involving my exams and the little distractions around my life. Stay strong in His Spirit - for He is worthy...

My life is not my own, it is bought with a price.

Don't limit God. I do not doubt or deny that His fire fell this last weekend, but I know that we have so much more to see. We have glimpsed only the train of His robe in His temple... As we walk in the plains of our daily life, let us seek to see the glory of His face!

Shine Lord, shine in our lives brighter than the noonday sun, that our faces shall become aglow for You.

In Christ's love,
Wei Liang

Click here for photos of the cell retreat

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